
Hello, everyone!

So, you’re wondering what this is all about, eh? Well, if you love the idea of epic motorcycle road trips, solo travel, surreal adventure, and freedom… you may like it here.


Photography by Anastasiia Chorna

Happiness is only real when shared -Into the Wild Share on X

I am “The Vagabondesss”, Safia Miletus; an unpredictable 20-something motorcycle nomad with wild pink hair and a restless soul. I am Syrian-Canadian, with some specks of Cherokee, Texan, and Danish blood.

This is (going to be) a motorcycle travel blog with an artistic, eccentric twist. My love for photography, humour, nature, and extreme budgeting will also reveal itself. I hope my “crazy” travel stories, insights, advice, and encouragement will be of use to you. I might even restore your faith in humanity! I want to capture beauty in my photos to share with you; I want to prove to you that you do not need to be well-off to have rich travel experiences. I want to show you how getting lost in life, being spontaneous, and taking a leap of faith can take you places that you would have never imagined. Happiness is only real when shared, and my travel experiences have far more value if you can benefit from them.


Photography by: Pachakuteq Visuals


The makings of a vagabond

I impulsively bought a red motorcycle one day and named her Cardinal. A couple of months later, I packed up and rode off to explore the US for 6 months. It turned my life upside down, and taught me how to spend as little as $500 per month traveling on basic expenses! I soon decided that my life would be best lived on the road. More than anything, I want to ride a motorcycle around the world, no matter what it takes, and I want to absorb and record every juicy detail! I discovered my intense love for solo travel at 19, when I abandoned my life in Toronto, and flew away to pre-revolution Egypt for nearly a year. I’ve only been to 11 countries so far, but I believe that life and travel should be measured in experiences.

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” -Albert Camus


Somewhere in The Everglades. Click here to see what’s in those bags!


I consider travel and the pursuit of adventure to be my primary purpose in life. A career or relationship hasn’t been on my list of priorities in a long time (though there is nothing wrong with wanting that!). People still have trouble believing that I don’t want to get married and have children.

I spent much of my childhood in Saudi Arabia and Jordan, so Arabic is my second language. I was home-schooled for a while, studied holistic nutrition in college, and I am currently learning web design and a few other subjects. I’ve worked since the age of 12, and ended up managing a health food store for years. I’ve also been a clinical trial participant, junior park ranger with the MNR, assistant Arabic teacher, stable and dairy farm hand, nanny, construction worker, server, and even a mascot! I love forests, cemeteries, animals, books, makeup, and abandoned places. I’m clumsy and laugh at my own lame jokes (which no one else finds funny). I tend to get myself into ridiculous travel situations, yet somehow survive!


Photography by: Peter Riedel Photography


Philosophy and such

I believe that travel is crucial for personal growth and expanding your perspectives.

This may surprise you, but I was once a shy, socially-awkward, and close-minded person. I was a chronic over-planner and had the need for total security and control over my life. At one point, I was weak, broken, and jaded. I was bullied in school for being “weird”, but I now take pride in my eccentricity. I now know that, like you, I was never meant to fit into a conventional box, and I believe in constant growth. I grew up wearing hijab, but I now sport heavy eye makeup, spiked piercings, and combat boots.

I am free-spirited, lost, and in love with life. I run. I am not running from anything or towards anywhere—I just run. Chasing freedom is my ultimate euphoria. When riding my motorcycle on the open road, I am invincible; I am free. My sense of being expands, and nothing exists except for that very moment. It’s the most intoxicating and intensely addictive feeling there is. I can’t say I’m homeless, because I have many homes. The people I love are my homes, too.


Photography by: Pachakuteq Visuals

Happiness is not enough, I demand euphoria! -Calvin and Hobbes Share on X

So, you, dear reader. Come. Come—be free with me. Let desire outweigh your fear. I want you to have everything that I have, I want you to know what it feels like to be high on life, and feel so invincible and free. Don’t let your worries stop you; this is your life, this is your world.

I am honoured that you are here; thank you for visiting!


Photography by: Peter Riedel Photography


Have any questions? Contact me! You can also book a video or audio session 🙂




20 Responses

  1. Tony says:

    Kia Ora Safia, all the best with your terrific ‘sojourns’. You are a brave young person full of inspiration for all – young and old. I am 58 years old (young man) Returned to riding at age 55 after about 18 years gap. Got my full licence at ripe young age of 57. Did lots of solo ridings, but nothing comparied to yours. But, can relate to your passion and all the experiences. I refuse to buy a car and my daily commute, rain or shine is my Suzuki DL 250 (baby) V-Strom. Aiming to do some longer trips in couple of years time. Hopefully my wife could join me in. Keep up your good work – yes it is good work. Work that would inspire others. It definitely has inspired me. May your memorable sojourns continue.
    Greetings – all the way from the Land of Long White Clouds – Aotearoa (New Zealand).

  2. Hi Safia,

    Love your free spirit, your pink hair, and your motorbike. So glad to read about you doing what you want to do with your life. Well done, and keep at it.

    Cheers Nathan…
    Nathan Taylor recently posted…2019 Hit-Air Motorcycle Airbag Vests & Jackets – Are they worth it?My Profile

  3. Chris Adams says:

    G’day! Safia Miletus,

    Another epic one! On your URL. Really enjoyed reading the post about about Me. Keep it up.

  4. Sam Que says:

    Wow…. always looking out for adventure travelers on two wheels. This is going to be an interesting read, I can tell.
    Gotten so engrossed in life that the dream to travel alone on a bike is still a dream & age is catching up …

  5. Christopher Taylor says:

    Safia, your blog is truly amazing. I love what you are doing and wish I would have had the guts to do this when I was younger. I have two motorcycle trips planned for next year however nothing like this. My son and I are starting a motorcycling blog next riding season in 2019 but a lot less adventurous than this. Keep entertaining us with your travels. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures.

  6. Hombre says:

    looking forward to meeting you.

  7. Jason Wadzinski says:

    In a few years I plan on being a road nomad on a vintage motorcycle (’47 Indian) for a minimum of 2 years. Your story is very inspirational. I’m a quite a bit older, so camping is out, but there is something appealing about having no timeline and every necessity strapped on the bike. A simple and adventurous life is the life for me.

  8. Michael McGlamery says:

    I love your story, your sense of adventure and mode of travel.Though 74 yrs old, I can relate. l also have the yen to travel on two wheels (moto and pedal), planes and cars, but not cruise ships. Often I travel with my wife. Our geocache handle is “beemer nomads”, which should give a hint to our ride. We love taking the roads and paths less traveled. I look forward to following your BLOG. Should you find yourself in Hartford CT, you’ll have a free room and warm shower. I’m on FB!
    State travels, Mike

  9. Tony Pierce says:

    Your the best. I had my 18 year old daughter read your blogs or some of them at least. She wanted to take off on a trip and me pay for it. I told her that I would not that she needed to learn how to be self sufficient. She also rides a 250 ninja. You are her hero now she has been traveling 5 weeks now and still doing good thanks to your advice. Thank you so much keep on keeping on.

  10. Barry says:

    Enjoy your posts. I quit my part time job at Home Depo in Collingwood to take a few motorcycle trips this summer. I spent 10 days in Newfoundland round trip and lotsa rain . A few weeks home to do my wife’s Honey Do list then I was 13 days to Vancouver Island and my Mototcycle club CMC Rally in Nannimo. I didn’t spent a lot of time in one spot one night sleeping at a truck stop beside my bike in a cot under a tarp. I do pull a trailor and ride a cruiser so I can carry a lot of stuff . Big tent cit lawn chair etc . I with my riding buddy from Kenora while on Newfoundland we met a girl very similar to you from Main. Very much a minimalist on an older Suzuki 650 . Her email recent says she has taken a loan to buy a BMW Adventure bike and we hope to meet up with her maby next year on a ride to Alaska. You are quite a woman and very brave . If you are anywhere near Barrie or Wasaga Beach and need a shower or place to crash you are welcome to stay . My wife and I have one of my sons who recently moved back home with his dog but we have a pull out sofa if you need it . I ride with a big club CMC . 7,500 members Coast to Coast . Check us out at cmc national.ca
    Safe riding and enjoy your blog
    Barry from Barrie

  11. Shayne Santocono says:

    Ahh to be young and fancy free again

  12. Devan Robbins says:

    I did a leisurely solo 5 month cross country Motorcycle trip from Phoenix to Boston, Boston to Key West and then back to Phoenix last year and it was the best time of my life. I’m looking forward to another one next spring. Glad I found your blog and I’m looking forward to your future updates!

  13. don says:

    thanks for sharing. love your sense of adventure

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