Hi! My name is Safia Miletus. Welcome to my motorcycle travel blog!
On The Road: Meet Vagabondesss, The Girl in Red. Safia Miletus, a Syrian-Canadian girl, lives on the road. Traveling North America on her bright red Kawasaki Ninja named Cardinal, Safia is breaking stereotypes and redefining...
Here’s How I Maintain My Travel Lifestyle One of the first things anyone wants to know about me is how I afford to live a life of travel. Travel is basically my priority in life, so...
Here is my very detailed current pack list (as of Jan 2020) of what all my luggage (that I basically live out of) contains, since I get asked quite a bit! Hopefully this can give you an...
Welcome To Bunnyland! During my motorcycle trip across Canada, I stopped at the Lloydminster Culture and Science Center, since it apparently contained “Fuchs Wildlife Exhibit“, the largest one-man taxidermy collection in North America, including rabbits that were...
How can a motorcycle traveler (on a budget) maintain long pink hair? I get asked about my long pink hair quite a bit! I’ve had this colour for years and it’s ALWAYS bright and rich...
I want to share a new habit I actually managed to stick to last year, that has made a real difference in my life! I HIGHLY recommend it, ESPECIALLY if you are traveling. It’s not...
I really don’t like the cold, but since I didn’t exactly have a choice at times (doing a long term motorcycle trip across Canada and all), I came up with a few reasons of why...
You Should Always Talk to Strangers While on my cross-Canada motorcycle trip (lazing around at a free campsite in Russell, Manitoba), I met “Joy” and “Bear”, a couple from BC on a road trip to...
I chose Prince Albert National Park for my first overnight hike Now that I was really getting into hiking on my 2017 cross-Canada motorcycle trip, I wanted to try a 2-day hike. Something about being alone...
Eating a low carb on a road trip can be a challenge! I fell in love with the ketogenic diet awhile back and have been determined to stick to it for various reasons, mostly because...
Riding My Ninja 250 Across Canada… This “ride report” is about my first 14 days of my motorcycle vagabond lifestyle (in Canada, at least), where I was motorcycle camping across Ontario. I did this on...
1. The Best Kind Of Biker Chick! 😀 2. Fortunately, I ride a 250. No need for my mom to worry 😛 3. I Wouldn’t Even Be Mad… 4....
The days of living with your lovely stench are long gone! At the end of the day, showers cost money. As they should! They are a luxury. I lived in Jordan for 6 months when...
I’m pretty new to this whole hiking/camping thing, and most of my knowledge so far has come from good ol’ Google. Part of my motorcycle vagabond lifestyle includes lots of time spent in the great...
Here’s how I found the “best free campsite” in Ontario, by accident! Since I am traveling long term on my motorcycle, finding free places to camp is crucial. Many times, these free places to camp...
Since everyone kept saying Manitoba is sooo boring, I was determined to prove (to myself?) that it’s not! Riding Mountain National Park was on my list of interests. The ride up there was beautiful, for...
I can’t believe I nearly missed this wonderful place! Pukaskwa National Park in Ontario is hands down one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. I stayed there for 2 days (in...
By Dominic Licorish: Most of the people I know aren’t huge fans of the “rat race,” (chalk it up to being a millennial or my arts school background). Instead, they’re striving to break out of...
I left my life in early July of 2017 to become a “motorcycle hobo” (for as long as I want?). After 2 weeks of camping across Ontario, and finally making it to Manitoba, I...
I promised I’d post about the not-so-glamorous stuff… Day 13 of my cross-Canada motorcycle trip was my first “bad day”. I knew there would be bad days, because this is my life, not a vacation. ...
After visiting Riding Mountain National Park (in July 2017), I ended up at a free campsite in Russell, MB. I stayed for about a week because there was electricity, water, a grocery store, and a...